Claim your FREE copy of Jeremy McGilvrey’s bestselling Instagram Secrets book now! Click here to claim Instagram Secrets.
Instagram Secrets by Jeremy McGilvrey
#1 Bestselling Instagram Growth Business Book

MAKING MONEY online is a lot harder than you imagined, isn’t it?
And it probably didn’t take long to discover that terrible truth.
You invested enormous amounts of your valuable time and resources to accomplish, what?
Not anything good, that’s what.
The return on your investment was likely pretty disappointing.
The happiness you expected to deliver to the people closest to you likely didn’t materialize.
The sense of personal satisfaction you looked to gain was likely nowhere to be found.
With results like those, you’re completely justified in wondering if it’s even possible to turn things around and start making some actual money from your online venture.
The answer is: Yes!
You can flip the script beginning immediately if you’ll click here to pick up the current #1 bestselling business-growth book on Instagram by Jeremy McGilvrey.
Instagram Secrets will equip you to put into action the life-changing strategies required to achieve genuine success on Instagram, which is where the real action is on social media right now.
Crammed within this eye-opening book’s 228 pages is the insider guidance you need – presented step-by-step and in plain words.
The lessons you’ll receive are worth their weight in gold.
Here’s a tiny but important sample: it wasn’t your fault that little or nothing happened when you tried in the past to get conversions from Facebook, LinkedIn, and others – the fault was with the platforms themselves (which, apart from Instagram, are structured to virtually guarantee your failure).
As you dive deeper in the book, you’ll read about Jeremy McGilvrey’s top formulas for targeting and successfully reaching your perfect prospects. He explains in no-holds-barred detail how to generate an endless flood of warm, inexpensive, targeted leads – and then easily convert them into paying customers.
Discover How Instagram Secrets by Jeremy McGilvrey Helps You Skyrocket Your Online Success
Discover How Instagram Secrets by Jeremy McGilvrey Helps You Skyrocket Your Online Success
You’ve heard the putdown about instructors? “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.”
That doesn’t apply to Jeremy McGilvrey. He teaches about what he does. And what he does is turn Instagram into his own personal goldmine.
You can do the same by reading his insightful book and building your business from the success blueprint he lays out in this mind-bending book.
Want to start an online business and see it succeed in record time? Jeremy McGilvrey, founder of a Top-Rated Houston Web Design Company, has achieved exactly that for his online businesses and gives you the roadmap to triumphantly make that same journey.
You can do the same by reading his insightful book and building your business from the success blueprint he lays out in this mind-bending book.
Want to start an online business and see it hit the heights of success in record time? Jeremy McGilvrey has achieved exactly that for his own online businesses and gives you the roadmap to triumphantly make that same journey yourself.
Want to scale your online business beyond your current comfort zone? Read Instagram Secrets and find out exactly how the author did it so you can do likewise.
This is a book by a guy who has walked in your shoes – and in the process worn out the soles on his painful trek to the pinnacle of success.
As you read this earth shattering work, you’ll encounter strategies that can accelerate your own rise to the top. You’ll discover strategies to spare you the struggles and heartaches that the author – and his loved ones – endured.
You’ll discover how to create a powerhouse brand that floats majestically above the perfect content strategies you’ll be taught to create.
This book completely obliterates the mysteries of making money on Instagram. A key revelation: social-media platforms like Facebook make it a needlessly daunting challenge to get leads.
How? For one thing, Facebook is rife with unclear policies with regard to their ad platform. As the author notes, these policies have contributed to the death of many online businesses.
Another stunning observation is that only 3% of your target audience on Facebook may actually ever see what you post there. That’s because – as you’ll learn – the Facebook feed is unfairly curated.
In contrast, a significant portion of your Instagram followers see what you post because the algorithm there works in favor if you know how to hack it.
The book brings to the surface much more information about those lopsided differences. Not stopping there, it also opens the spigot concerning everything related to making money on Instagram – so much so that you’ll feel like the secrets are gushing out at you with the force of a firehose.
In a nutshell, the lessons contained in Instagram Secrets will show you exactly how to drive a ridiculous amount of traffic to your offers, rapidly explode your Instagram following, implement monetization strategies, and turn data into dollars.
Instagram Secrets is the book that puts you ahead of the pack and helps you stay there. For genuine online money-making success, this is the book to own.
Allow Jeremy McGilvrey’s Instagram Secrets Book To Provide Proof These Secrets Work
Try ditching your website in favor of a ClickFunnels and see what happens. (Spoiler alert: you’ll be amazed.)
Instagram Secrets asserts that websites are outdated (the equivalent of an 8-track player), whereas a sales funnel (like an iPod) is what’s producing amazing results now.
Indeed, the book cautions that it’s a mistake to not be using sales funnels. Reason? A funnel is a mechanism by which poor prospects for conversion can be cost-efficiently filtered out.
Consider this: A website gives your prospects many choices with regard to the actions they can take during their visit. This abundance of choice usually produces indecision – basically, no decision at all and, consequently, no conversions.
On the other hand, an Instagram-based sales funnel leaves a prospect with essentially only one choice – and that is to convert. But that’s only to be expected because prospects who reach the end of the funnel are there as a result of having been fully primed to make the purchase (or, alternatively, to download the freebie or to subscribe to your email list).
The book examines the psychology behind an Instagram buyer and explains why Instagram is a goldmine for scaling your business.
Instagram Secrets reveals how you can build a sales funnel in under 5 minutes.
Need Jeremy McGilvrey to Further Convince You? Introducing Influencer Shoutouts...
Try this: get a celebrity or highly followed influencer to give you a shoutout.
Instagram Secrets clues you in about influencer shoutouts and about how incredibly powerful they are.
A shoutout is when an Instagram user with hundreds of thousands or even millions of loyal followers tell them about you – and about how amazing your products and services are.
The next thing you know, your order desk is flooded with the influencer’s followers trying to hand you their credit cards.
Need Jeremy McGilvrey to Further Convince You? Introducing Influencer Shoutouts...
A shoutout is when an Instagram user with hundreds of thousands or even millions of loyal followers tell them about you – and about how amazing your products and services are.
The next thing you know, your order desk is flooded with the influencer’s followers trying to hand you their credit cards.
Truly, the amount of traffic that can be driven to your offer by a single shoutout is mind-blowing.
In the book Jeremy reveals how a $60 shoutout from an Instagram influencer changed everything. (This is what instantly convinced him to solely focus on IG!)
Only 6 hours after the shoutout was posted, his previous non-converting offer (that he spent more than $10,000 promoting on Facebook with virtually zero return) saw more traffic and more conversions than it did during the entire 12 months.
You see, a shoutout is in essence a trusted and authoritative person giving a recommendation to a massive number of admirers. It’s word-of-mouth advertising on steroids.
This groundbreaking book spares no detail when it comes to telling you how to get influencers to shout you out and promote your products and services.
You absolutely will not believe how easy it is to arrange product promotions and shoutouts from famous Instagram influencers.
Jeremy McGilvrey Quotes
Please do yourself a favor and have a look at the masterclass posted on this page (click here for instant access). Some of the choice quotes you’ll hear from the author of this book include these pearls (slightly condensed for easier reading):
- “Frank Kern is the most sought-after direct response Internet marketing consultant and copywriter on the planet, according to the Huffington Post.
- Frank was amazed by the results of an Instagram ad I ran. Cost was $4,500; sales it generated was $30,000.”
- “Facebook marketing is almost impossible to figure out. It appears designed to be best understood by those who have Ph.D.'s in software engineering from an Ivy league school.”
- “I ran ads on Facebook, blindly hoping they would convert. Most of them did not. As a result, I paid up to $30 per opt-in – and that's a guaranteed formula for failure.”
- “To get warm leads, you need an already-built bridge. That’s what Instagram is. It puts you in front of people who are ready to do business with you.”
- “The hard way to achieve success is to confuse activity with productivity.”
- “Be a chess player instead of a chess piece.”
- “You’re just one Instagram influencer away from changing your life.”
- “Emails are like the new 401k's in that they allow you to create predictable profits. So, in marketing, the person who collects the most email addresses wins.”
Get Instagram Secrets – It’s Like Enrolling in an Advanced Jeremy McGilvrey Training Course
The typical course taught by Jeremy McGilvrey contains more than 100 training videos. It has to in order to cover its subject matter in enough detail to deliver the actionable insights you need.
The same thing is true of Instagram Secrets. It’s page after page of insights and analysis, supported by examples galore to teach you exactly what to do.
Instagram Secrets Reviews
“Instagram Secrets reveals the fastest path to profit in all of online marketing.”
~ Jordan Strauss
“Jeremy tells you what to do and what not to do in every single aspect of growing your Instagram following.”
~ Cassandra Serrano
“There is so much success you can have by implementing what Jeremy shows you in this book.”
~ Mario Nodal
“Jeremy had definitely changed the game when it comes to Instagram.”
~ Henry Kaminski
Add Another Supremely Insightful Book by Jeremy McGilvrey
Along with Instagram Secrets, Jeremy McGilvrey has also authored CEO: 7 Secrets To Unleash Your Inner Boss And Start Building Your Million Dollar Future Today
CEO is chock-full of solid-gold information aimed at enabling you to achieve that which now eludes you – sustainable success.
The book spans 580 intense, high-energy pages that illuminate the path to becoming rich on the outside by first becoming rich on the inside.
Jeremy McGilvrey said the following when he introduced CEO on Amazon in early 2020:
CEO is NOT like other personal-growth books you’ve read. Why? Because instead of telling you what to do and how to do it, I give you the science behind the why.
This is key because the “missing link” to permanent change and sustained success comes when you condition out the junk that was conditioned in. And the only way to do that is by reprogramming your subconscious.
Many self-help books produce limited or temporary results because they communicate only with the conscious mind. These unsuccessful techniques and principles rely purely on insights, reason, willpower, positive thinking, and motivation.
Conscious insight-based training teaches you what to do to be more effective in your life. But it does not give you the necessary mind management tools to accomplish your goals. The missing piece is the ability to align your subconscious beliefs with your conscious goals in order to create effective, sustainable change.
The chapters in CEO have been tightly engineered to communicate with your subconscious mind, rather than your conscious mind. The information in each chapter lays out a step-by-step solution to the 2 things high-achievers care about most:
- How to recover from setbacks (even cataclysmic ones)
- How to create a shift in life that produces momentum that compounds one successful day on top of another
Click here to get your copy of CEO: 7 Secrets To Unleash Your Inner Boss And Start Building Your Million Dollar Future Today.